Embark on the adventure of a lifetime and let our skilled videographers capture every heart-pounding moment with our Video Package! From the exhilarating freefall to the peaceful descent under canopy, our cameras will document your entire skydiving journey from start to finish.

What's Included:

Pre-Jump Interview: Share your excitement and nerves with our cameras as you prepare to take the leap of faith. Our videographers will capture your pre-jump thoughts and feelings, setting the stage for an unforgettable adventure.

In-Air Footage: Experience the rush of adrenaline as you exit the aircraft and enter into the thrilling freefall. Our cameras will follow your every move, capturing the exhilarating sensation of flying through the sky at speeds of up to 120 mph.

Scenic Views: Take in the breathtaking beauty of the landscape below as you soar through the air. Our cameras will showcase the stunning vistas and panoramic views, providing a unique perspective of the world from thousands of feet above.

Professional Editing: Sit back and relax as our professional editing software transforms hours of raw footage into a cinematic masterpiece in minutes! With seamless transitions, dynamic music, and special effects, your skydiving video will be a work of art that you’ll want to watch again and again.

Digital Copy: Receive a high-definition digital copy of your skydiving video, allowing you to relive the thrill of your adventure anytime, anywhere. Share your epic experience with friends and family or keep it as a memento of your bravery and accomplishment.

Skydive KC makes booking your Kansas City skydiving adventure… easy. Whether booking a tandem skydive or an AFP learn to skydive course, all of our bookings are made through our Burble reservations skydiving software.


Aerial Video & Still Photography

Links to social media ready files will be sent electronically.

$139.00 per person


Aerial Video & Still Photography

Links to social media ready files will be sent electronically.

$139.00 per person

Our goal isn’t for you to have a ‘good time.’ Our goal is for you to leave us amazed knowing you’ve just had a life changing experience! Please allow us to show you why we are the premier dropzone for skydiving in Missouri.